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Bundaberg - Mater Misericordiae Hospital
Mater Medical Suites
Suite 5, 313 Bourbong St
Bundaberg Q 4670
Ph: (07) 4304 8001
Fax: (07) 4304 8002
RSHQ spirometry provider number: 90005584
Opening Hours: Weekdays 9am - 5pm​
Available Tests
Full lung function - spirometry, gas transfer & lung volumes
Flow Volume Loops - before and after bronchodilator
Bronchial Provocation - Mannitol challenge
FeNO (Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide)
Allergen Skin Prick Test
Respiratory muscle strength (MIPS/MEPS & postural spirometry)
Six Minute Walk Test (single trial without O2)
Six Minute Walk Test (dual trial without and with O2 for MASS)
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